Criminal Advocate in Chandigarh

Criminal Advocate in Chandigarh

Looking for a good criminal advocate in any city is very important if you have been penalized for a criminal case or for the purpose of getting relief from any criminal activity imposed on you.

Crime is something which should never be tolerated but sometimes a person gets penalized for a crime they have not even performed and therefore for any case or reason there are times when a person comes in need of a criminal advocate.

If we look forward to becoming a criminal advocate in Chandigarh, one thing which you need to look at is that the advocate you are choosing is well versed with criminal procedure code 1973, and indian penal code 1860. These two acts are something which regulates criminal court and the procedure and laws mentioned under these acts are something which is a way to get out or get in for someone who is penalized or needs to be penalized for the crime.

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Best criminal Advocate in Chandigarh:-

  1. Advocate Ankush verma is one of the best criminal advocates in chandigarh who is working from past 20 plus years in criminal nature of cases. He is doing great work in criminal cases and his representation and drafting of criminal nature cases are great and effortless.
  2. Advocate SS Sidhu is one of the renowned names in chandigarh when it comes to best criminal advocates in chandigarh. He is having a timeless experience of more than 70 plus years in criminal litigation which is appreciable and commendable.
  3. Vinod Ghai is one of the senior designated criminal advocate in Chandigarh who is having a great working experience. He has represented many cases for the state as well and is doing a great practice being a criminal advocate in chandigarh.
  4. Bipin Ghai is a designated senior criminal advocate in Chandigarh with the experience of more than 35 plus years of practice. He has fought various premium criminal cases and has a great grasp on criminal litigation and further understands various laws and clauses of criminal litigation which is quite helpful for a person hiring him for his services.
  5. Simran law is a law firm based in Chandigarh and further they have a team of criminal advocate in chandigarh who understand all the aspects and nature of criminal litigation and further they are hard working and dedicated towards all their cases. They have been working in the field of litigation for more than 50 years.