Criminal Lawyers in Chandigarh

Criminal Lawyers in Chandigarh

Whenever you do something of a criminal nature or you have to make sure that a person who has done a criminal nature work should be penalized and get imprisonment for his work then one needs to search for a lawyer who can help you with the process of criminal suit.

Who is a Criminal Lawyer?

A criminal lawyer or attorney is someone who is there to do all the work related to criminal cases. This person is responsible for defending and also for prosecuting any individual person, organization or an unit in the criminal cases.

There are various sort of works which a criminal lawyer does such as:-

  1. Getting bail.
  2. Filing an FIR
  3. Filing a Petition in the court.
  4. Arguing the case in the court
  5. Filing other supportive and additional documents in court.
  6. Appealing in the higher court in case of failure in lower court.

And many more..

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Criminal Lawyers in Chandigarh:-

  1. Simran Law: One of the recognized firms in the city of chandigarh who deals in criminal matters is simran law. This firm has had a great experience in the criminal nature matters for around 50 years and therefore, if you are in search of a criminal lawyer in chandigarh then you should definitely meet them once and get to know if they are the right pick for you.
  2. Advocate SS Sidhu: This criminal lawyer in chandigarh is an experienced senior lawyer for the work related to criminal litigation and he is having an experience of more than 70 years in this field. His knowledge is something in criminal cases which can be of a great use for anyone who is looking forward to criminal lawyers in chandigarh.
  3. Advocate Ankush Verma: A criminal lawyer based in Chandigarh who understands the working of modern litigation with traditional litigation and having a great experience of 20 years in the area of criminal nature cases.
  4. Subhash Aggarwal: A criminal lawyer in Chandigarh who is into criminal litigation for the past 40 years. He is doing tremendous work in the area of criminal litigation.
  5. Bipin Ghai: He is a criminal lawyer in chandigarh who is considered as designated senior lawyer. He has done various work as a government prosecutor in criminal litigation. He has a work experience of more than 25 years in criminal litigation and doing tremendous work.